If you are a pro at regularly burning firewood for conducting your daily tasks, then you may be familiar with the distinct yet numerous patches of mold on the wood. However, if you are not, we will enlighten you about it.

Both are susceptible to housing molds, be it the wood still intact on the tree in the trunk or the wood you have cut to be later utilized as firewood. But does this mean that the wood is now unsafe for use or that due to the presence of mold, it is dangerous for you to use it?

A lot of questions are raised as concerns with a piece of moldy wood. While you can slash the part of mold in the wood for wood-cutting purposes, this is not quite possible with firewood.

Therefore, let’s find out if and can you burn moldy wood and maintain your safety while ensuring to fulfill the purposes it was initially attained for. 

Can You Burn Moldy Wood

Now to address the core discussion topic of this article, let’s discuss and conclude on whether can you burn moldy wood. YES, you can burn moldy wood! 

Consider this in the aspect that mold is a by-product of nature and will be encountered on almost every wood later, if not sooner, but this does not mean that you stop utilizing this wood as firewood. 

Nevertheless, just like everything a cap has been subjected to, it is with moldy wood too. There is a certain capacity of the mold with which burning the wood will result in no harm. If you are aware of how much mold can constitute too much mold on the wood, then you are safe to go.

The primary reason you can get to know this is by examining the mold’s color on the wood and simultaneously by understanding the situation of the mold, which will further prove to be a safety mechanism for you while you are burning moldy wood. 

Also keep in mind that it is not mandated for mold to be present over every tree, but the majority. Therefore, supposedly you go out on a hunt for firewood, then you can make sure that while you preserve the wood for later use, it is kept in such a manner that the wood will not get moldy and raise any alarm for user safety. 

Common Mold Misconception 

A common misconception accompanying that moldy wood is not fit for the burn is that all mold is a signal for the wood being faulty. But rest assured; this is different from how the mechanism works. In fact, mold occurring naturally is responsible for breaking down any dead organic matter which is to be found within the forests. 

Hence, it is not leading to the wood being faulty. On the other hand, if you see your firewood is at the point where it has undertaken rotting, and then there is prominent mildew and mold on the long- it is in your best and safest affairs to avoid burning this sort of wood. 

Whereas if the wood has mold that can be conveniently brushed off, go ahead with attempting to cleanse the wood and get rid of it or just burn the log as it is. Either situation will not risk your safety! 

Color Of The Mold 

One other factor you must always consider to know whether and if you can burn moldy wood is to analyze the color of the occupying mold on the wood. Color of the mold tells a lot about not only the condition of the mold and if it is harmful or not but also the extent to which it has damaged the surface of the log.

The color most associated with and the one you will frequently be encountered in the mold on the firewood is green or white. These are the typical ones, and there will be every or a rare chance that the mold will be of another color.

If the mold on the wood is of green or white color, then this indicates no harm; instead, the usability of the log is safe and not a threat to your safety while burning firewood. Remember, the colors we have mentioned are not an indication of any dangerous side effects taking place. 

But if your mold is of a darker shaded, typically grey, purple, or black color, then these colors are a symbol of concern and the ones you should be taken seriously because they explicitly exhibit danger when burning moldy wood. 

Additionally, if your wood log has a mold of black or purple color, then immediately take that piece out of the entire stack. This is because there is a likely chance for the mold to grow and disperse while spreading out on the subsequent log pieces. 

Is Burning Moldy Wood Safe?

Previously, we asserted an answer to can you burn moldy wood: yes, you can burn a certain type of mold. But now we will question if it is safe to be burning moldy wood. Keep in mind that while you might be prevented from the threats of moldy burning wood, the environment might not be. So let’s consider it!

No burning moldy wood is not safe, and there are various reasons for this claim to stand its ground, and they are the following: 

Release of Allergens 

Every time you burn a single inch of moldy wood, you release hundreds and thousands of allergens and mold spores into the air that can be the reason for many people’s health problems, such as asthma, sinus, flu, headaches, and other related breathing issues symptoms

Releasing such severe and hazardous health toxins into the air is one thing, but the spores that come out of the mold can result in the occurrence of these mold spores in the rest of the organisms surrounding the habitat. 

Therefore, this leads to such an environment whereby unwanted and unnecessary fungi grow through the release of spores. Thus, the air quality and the health of numerous animals and individuals are deteriorating. 

Insects Infest On Moldy Wood 

One major reason why burning mold wood is unsafe is that insects may infest this wood. Such type of wood is always prone to be invaded by insects, for instance, by pests like termites and others that thrive in a situation where they find wood that is decaying.


Unwelcomed pests and insects are always threatening the integrity of the wooden structures within your house, like the cupboards, furniture, or floors, because they can always infest wood. 

No wonder why repair of a wood infested by insects costs you hundreds of bucks when it comes to replacements or repair. 

Prevent Burning Wood From Being Moldy 

Lastly, let’s talk about the preventative measures that you can undertake to prevent your burning wood from being moldy. How you are stacking and where you are keeping your firewood is a crucial factor in determining whether the wood will be moldy. 

Hence, it has always been advisable to store and stack the wood in a place free of moisture that is dry. This is because mold on the wood tends to spread out in the presence of water. Even if the shed you keep your wood in has the tiniest moisture in the atmosphere, the mold on the wood will thrive and expand rapidly. 

The best way, if and when you are not too sure or unable to evaluate if the storing conditions are adequate, is to cover the pile of wood with a plastic sheet or any similar material that will not allow for the content of water to seep through. 

Moreover, never make the mistake of keeping the wood inside your home because this can later materialize in problems with the spores as they are airborne and capable of being transmitted through the air to other objects. Also, this will be where your asthma is peeking due to the contaminated air you breathe. 


At this point, we hope that any query you previously had regarding can you burn moldy wood has been answered. So, use the information provided in the article to plan your wood burning more safely and efficiently.

Will Nathan
William Nathan specializes in landscaping and lawn care. He has years of experience of the management of the garden and national lawn by the use of mostly machinery and his hand experience. He enjoys delivering experience by words.