A chainsaw is a piece of equipment that, despite being a product of advancing technology, must be operated manually, making its operation an arduous task. You cannot precisely locate where the problem is even when you are facing one. 

Replacing a chain on the chainsaw is a much-needed and common phenomenon. But what about when the chainsaw chain won’t tighten anymore? What are you supposed to do then to get rid of this problem and have the chain installed and in place for the chainsaw to start running? 

Let’s look at why your chainsaw chain won’t tighten anymore, even when you have done everything possible in your human power to ensure that it does. 

Chainsaw Chain Won’t Tighten Anymore

Chainsaws are robust regarding their employment for the tasks they have been purchased for. Without effort from your side, a chainsaw would instantly cut thick tree trunks and luring branches. 

But this does not mean that a chainsaw is a problem-free machine. Users face several problems with a chainsaw, out of which the most prominent one is the difficulty arising when the chainsaw chain won’t tighten anymore. 

There are three primary reasons why chainsaw chains won’t tighten anymore. Even though there might be many other causes, these have been rated as the most typical ones.

So, if you are doing any of the things that have been forbidden, you have a straightforward answer to why your chainsaw chain won’t tighten anymore. 

Setting of the Chain 

The way you place the chain on the chainsaw before attempting to tighten it says a lot about why your chainsaw chain won’t tighten anymore. Even if the chain has been placed over the machine slightly an inch over or under from where it is supposed to be, the chainsaw chain won’t tighten anymore and will keep falling off due to being loose

Therefore, you must always ensure that you place the chain in the accurate direction and dimension. The place where the chain is supposed to reside in between the bars of the chainsaw

Variation of Temperature 

We have all heard about how metal expands and shrinks per its temperature. The material composing the chain of a chainsaw is usually metal, so here, the surrounding temperature in which you are trying to install or reinstall the chain matters a lot.

Changes in the temperature can profoundly affect the entire process of you trying to fasten a chain on the chainsaw. Often, because of the varying temperature and excessive heat, the metal of the chainsaw tends to expand because it would pose difficulty to you when it comes to why the chainsaw chain won’t tighten anymore. 

Hence, it is of extreme importance that you keep a check on the temperature of the environment and keep it moderate. Not too high nor too low because either extreme temperature will have an impact and then try tightening the chain. 

A Mechanical Defect

Sometimes, you do not realize, but there is a mechanical defect either within the chainsaw or within the construction of your chainsaw chain, causing the chainsaw chain not to tighten anymore.


Such mechanical defects come from choosing the inaccurate thickness of the chain or the chain being too short to surround the length of the bar installed in the chainsaw.

Apart from faulty measures, the material of the chainsaw chain matters a lot. Always choose the chainsaw chain’s material that aligns with the material that your previous chain had acquired. 

The best solution to this is to take the chain along to the retailer and ask him for an exact and duplicate chain while you replace the chain. Hopefully, you will not have to face the issue of your chainsaw chain not tightening anymore. 


In this article, we have listed the primary reasons why your chainsaw chain won’t tighten anymore. If you are doing none of what we have stated above, then it is possible that you lack the expertise so ask someone for help here!