Undoubtedly, technology is the most amazing thing is to ever happen to humanity. Previously tasks that were technical to proceed with are now straightforward to undertake and can be carried out in just a few minutes.

Although even in the contemporary world, Surferhandy still do come across people who are necessarily not advocates of technology, it has to be admitted that we are all highly reliant on them and cannot go a single day without utilizing them.

If you are an individual who loves gardening, then you might be well aware of the importance that accompanies a lawnmower. But how did people cut grass before lawnmowers- let’s see! 

How Did People Cut Grass Before Lawnmowers? 

Before the invention of lawnmowers, what did people do to maintain the grass in their lawns? Did they use sickles? Even then, the ideal result was challenging to materialize. So how did people cut grass before lawnmowers came into the picture?

Prior to the invention of lawnmowers, the concept of having a garden hardly ever existed. Even if someone considered the possibility, they immediately put the thought to sleep and dreaded the idea as it was an extremely labor intensive procedure. 

Wondering why? The answer is simple- there were no lawnmowers, and people had to manually primarily use the tools such as scythes and sickles to cut the grass. Imagine being asked daily to cut the grass using a sickle. Even you would resent having a garden at all. 

Therefore, this is what people did. Instead of spending hundreds of bucks on having a garden, they eradicated the image of a garden from their minds. An alternative to cutting the grass before lawnmowers were using the lawns as a grazing field.

Taking such an approach with the gardens reaped two benefits for the landowners. First, the grass in the garden was cut automatically without any financial investment, and secondly, their livestock was sustained too, again free of cost! 

Lawnmowers And Their Invention 

In the Middle Ages, possessing a garden symbolized elevated status in society. Therefore, those possessing such land used two ways to cut grass: either they hired lots of laborers and instructed them to use sickles to cut the grass or simply let their owned herds of animals feed on the grass. 

It was not till the later half of nineteenth century that the invention of the lanwnmower emerged. Thanks to the Englishman Edward Beard Budding took the responsibility of manufacturing and introducing a lawnmower into many people’s lives. This invention immediately simplified many lives, and an individual could handle the once grass-cutting procedure considered labor intensive. 

With such an invention coming to light, whereby people could now conveniently maintain their lands without worrying about hiring labor, lawns became common.

At first, only the wealthiest in society had a lawn. Still, as lawnmowers became more widespread, everyone became fond of having and maintaining gardens around their spaces. 

Utilization Of A Lawn Mower 

Ever since the lawnmowers were introduced to the public, using a sickle and grazing your animals on the land to cut grass has become outdated. Instead, everyone has adopted a more straightforward lifestyle to maintain their gardens, where using a lanwnmower has become a typical procedure to cut grass.

No doubt using a land mower still seems hectic. Still, if you compare the current position to cutting grass to those in the earlier centuries, you should be grateful and forever in debt of this invention to the great Englishman.

Otherwise, you, too, like the many who existed before, would be hiring an army of laborers only to cut grass for you with manual tools or leaving livestock on the ground. 


In this article, we have stated the history of how did people cut grass before lawnmowers. So next time you complain about cutting grass, just think that if lawnmowers were not invented, you would still be using a sickle!