Refilling the fuel tank repeatedly is the most convenient option for everyone. The process comes without demanding any effort and only requires you to pour the fuel into the tank when you see the levels declining. 

But have you ever thought of giving the fuel tank of your chainsaw a deep cleanse to ensure that no ounce of fuel remains inside it and all the clogged filth is out too? If not, then this is something you must consider doing. 

This article of ours is dedicated to teaching you the very process of how do you get old gas out of a chainsaw so that instead of wondering, you can work with the process and make sure the tank is cleansed to such an extent that it looks newly purchased. 

How Do You Get Old Gas Out Of A Chainsaw?

The process for how do you get old gas out of a chainsaw entails only a few steps and is very straightforward. No expert knowledge or technicalities accompany this procedure; therefore, you should not fret about anything and get to the task instantly. 

In the context we are talking about, “old gas” is considered the gas left in your chainsaw for three months or more. If you have experience utilizing the machine, you would know that this gas needs to be drained before you take your chainsaw back to work. 

Collect The Required Equipment 

To begin with any procedure; you first should dedicate some time collecting all the required equipments, which will assist you in getting the old gas out of the chainsaw and simultaneously make the task easier to be conducted. 

Not a lot of pieces of equipment are required for you to carry the cleansing of your old gas out of the chainsaw, but are the following:

  • Cleaning rag
  • Commercial gas can cleaner
  • Small packet of BBs 
  • Screwdrivers or wrenches
  • Plastic gas tank
  • Hand siphon 

Cleaning The Dust 

Take an overview of the gas tank that you are about to clean and in the visual nothing will be more prominent to the eye than the dust that is on the top of the lid of the tank.

You cannot open the tank and get the old gas out from the chainsaw without ridding it of the dust that has settled on the top.

To wipe the dust off, use a cleaning rag. Don’t only clean the top but the lid and the other parts surrounding it because if the dust enters the tank, it can cause other problems, such as an issue with the operation of the carburetor. 

Opening The Gas Lid 

Before opening the lid on the top, ensure you have disconnected the line delivering gas. Any clamps or guards on the line should be detached to disconnect the line, and you can easily do this by using the right-sized wrench or screwdriver. 

Collecting Old Gas 

You would have to use your hand siphon here by inserting the straight side of it into the gas tank. After the straight side is inside the fuel tank, place the remaining side into another empty tank so the old gas can be drained into that bucket. 

Keep contracting and expanding the tiny bulb on the hand siphon, so the gas is sucked out of one tank and released into another. Do not stop doing this until you see no old gas inside your chainsaw’s initial fuel tank. 

Addition Of A Solvent 

Once you have successfully taken all the old gas out of the chainsaw tank, release a pack of BB within the tank and add an adequate amount of a cleaning solvent.

Then immediately place the lid, and shake the machine vigorously, so the tank is rinsed thoroughly. Following this, drain the dirty solvent mixture from the chainsaw’s fuel tank and refill it with new gas. 


In this article of ours, we have provided you with a very simple yet convenient procedure for how do you get old gas out of a chainsaw. Now all that we hope is that no difficulties materialize for you!