Upgrade Your Professional Woodcutting Game with the Best Husqvarna Chainsaws

Chainsaws is one of those pieces of equipment that never run out of use. Whether the task has to be undertaken within the domestic domain or at your workplace, the chainsaw will assist you through every step, ensuring the finest outcome.

An individual must always buy a chainsaw that is the best in the market and fits their professional needs. You have to be cautious with purchasing chainsaws because now, and due to innovation, multiple ranges are available in the market. 

When it comes to talking about reliability and considering a brand delivering excellent efficiency along with fulfilling the needs of their users effectively- Husqvarna is the one company name we can think of to put forward as a recommendation to you.

Best Husqvarna Professional Chainsaw Models

Husqvarna 460 Rancher Gas Chainsaw (Image credit: Amazon)

Husqvarna 460 Rancher Gas Chainsaw



Engine is X-torque

Ergonomic design



Slightly heavy

Looking for a chainsaw ideal for professional and work use? The kind that would assist you in powering through all your work tasks and will be easy to work with? Check Husqvarna 460 Rancher Gas Chainsaw out! 


Powered on gas as fuel, the 460 Rancher is no less than a workhorse whose functions all conclusively work together toward providing you with the utmost convenience. The 24-inch blade is adequate for its size in the sense that it is long enough to slash through any tree with a thick trunk.

When it comes to felling, using the highly sharpened 24-inch blade, you can mark distinct marks on the trees, which will help you position the blade in the manner you desire and achieve precise cuts as an outcome. 

Undoubtedly, the ergonomic design of the chainsaw makes it an ideal choice for managing tasks that are demanding. With the front handle’s 7 degrees, you can place your hands in any position and still attain a firm grip. 

Vibrations, too, are kept to a minimum through the LowVib or the anti-vibration technology installed in it, so as a user, you do not have to be concerned about being fatigued after work. 

Exceptional durability is offered through the three-piece crankshaft manufactured to be upfront with you for managing the most challenging tasks. And every time you are at risk of falling using the chainsaw, the inertia brakes will be automatically activated to protect you from the threat of sustaining an injury.

Purchasing this chainsaw means being less worried about the machine’s working, especially with maintenance. The centrifugal air cleaning system will remove the dirt built up on its own, ensuring that it does not reach the air filter, clogging it.

Husqvarna 445 Gas Chainsaw (Image credit: Amazon)

Husqvarna 445 Gas Chainsaw


18-inch bar is suitable length


Value for money



Later on, problems with starting the chainsaw appear.

Having a powerful engine in the chainsaw is essential for professional chainsaws. With a 50cc engine in the machine, there is rarely a chance for the operation to go wrong. Have a look at the Husqvarna 445 Gas chainsaw. 

The 445 gas chainsaw is an all-rounder chainsaw, be it you using the equipment for ranching duties or cutting wood, or the exceeding greenery on your farm- the 50cc engine power delivers robust energy to have all your work be finished just in time. 

445 Husqvarna’s chainsaw is considered a second-generation chainsaw meaning that it can be utilized for purposes ranging from mildly professional to absolute house based. But is this not the best part about having a chainsaw- the multitasking! 

Additionally, the model is equipped with the latest ignition module, which makes starting the engine much more convenient. You can get the chainsaw up and running without facing any hassles. 

Another advantage of the 50cc installed engine is the fuel capacity for lower consumption accompanied by minimized emissions. The auto return and stop button on the chainsaw and the prominently visible fuel level monitoring ensure you never run out of fuel. 

Centrifugal air system of the device is dedicated to filtering all small and large particles of debris and dust so they do not reach the air filter and cause a build-up that would be problematic for you. 

Therefore, resulting in an always-clean filter of air that not only saves on the cost of replacing it but is also valuable for prolonging the life of the installed engine. 

With such a lightweight chainsaw and one that serves a dual purpose within the vicinity of your house and outside, this Husqvarna 455 gas chainsaw is an option that seems worth considering.

Husqvarna 455 Rancher (Image credit: Amazon)

Husqvarna 455 Rancher


Cuts through thick wood

Automatic oiler

Has a side mounting tensioning for chain

Low vibration technology


Heavier than comparative models

Are you always in at least some need of cutting firewood? Does not matter if the wood has to be cut out from your farmland or the nearby forest because Husqvarna 455 Rancher is a chainsaw precisely manufactured to meet the needs of all the firewood cutters out there. 

455 Rancher is thought of as a high-end chainsaw which is the most appropriate to be utilized for cutting wood purposes. The professional chainsaw will handle cutting logs- both small and large- effortlessly, without you having to invest any manual effort by your side. 

The chainsaw’s durability is uncompromised, resulting in a breakneck cutting speed powered by its X-torq engine. This means you can do all your work within or before the required task duration. 

Side mounting chain tensioning further assists with the tasks by allowing you to make quick readjustments to the chain. You will not have to stop to readjust the chain as it can be carried out in between while performing the task simultaneously. 

This chainsaw works toward eliminating all your worries regarding the functioning of the chainsaw. The automatic oiler system will keep the chain and bar lubricated for you on its own, only input you would have to give in is to pour the oil; apart from this, the machine requires nothing more of you. 

Ergonomic handle, coupled with the technology for tackling vibrations, will ensure that you have a firm grasp on the machine and minimize the instances in which you will be facing involuntary jerks through the intensified vibrations, which in this case, are countered. 

Husqvarna’s 455 Rancher is good news for firewood cutters. So if you are one of them, what is holding you back from further contemplating this option?

Husqvarna 450R Rancher (Image credit: Amazon)

Husqvarna 450R Rancher


Bar length is apt

Centrifugal air cleaning system

Consumption of fuel is low

Easy to set up


Advanced option for beginners

Does not handle thick logs well

Being an environmentalist and a woodcutter does not sit well. Still, you can settle some of your dissonance with the Husqvarna 450 Rancher, which has the technology to minimize the degradation done to the environment through its operation. 

The powerful installed engine not only guarantees to get done with all the tasks at work but also promises to comply with the regulations set for environmental standards. 

Fuel-efficient engine in the machine reduces all the carbon emissions released. This is done by maximizing fuel usage efficiency in the chainsaw, which is a win-win situation for you and your surrounding environment. 

Cleaning the chainsaw, especially after you have just completed cutting a huge tree, is the last thing any chainsaw user wants. But, again, with the 450R rancher, this issue is not to be concerned with. Installed centrifugal air cleaning system solves the problem of potential build-up in the air filter for you. 

As a result, the life of the air filter is increased, with you saving costs for replacement, and the engine life is also enhanced. The engine is powerful, fuel-efficient, and exhibits the accessibility of providing easy starting of the chainsaw. 

You must bid farewell to the chaotic start-ups of your chainsaw and welcome a hassle-free startup aided through the 450R Rancher. 

The amazing part is that the noise produced during operation, too, is less. We are not saying that the chainsaw will offer a silent operation, but if you compare the made noise with that of another chainsaw- a difference is guaranteed to materialize. 

Whether the job is a light duty or heavy duty, you can carefully handle them with Husqvarna’s 450R rancher. We highly recommend this product to you!

Husqvarna 435 Gas Chainsaw (Image credit: Amazon)

Husqvarna 435 Gas Chainsaw


Handling is easy

Rugged and durable design

Convenient in use

No kickback issues


Comes unassembled

Has it ever happened to you that you want a chainsaw that is not too professional nor contains properties making it a beginner’s chainsaw but is somewhere between the two? Husqvarna has catered to this demand of the users in their 435 gas chainsaw.

Engine of the chainsaw is a dual-stroke engine delivering a horsepower of 2.2 which is, in fact, a very efficient level of power that is apt for cutting through ruffled shrubs and thick trunks of the trees at a speed that will suit you well. 

435 gas chainsaw also offers the X-torque technology renowned for moderating fuel consumption and emission rates so that you do not have any regard for the times the fuel has to be refilled in the fuel tank

Bar length for this chainsaw is 16 inches and has been composed out of the finest composition, an alloy of stainless steel. Therefore, the bar is rugged, durable, and capable of completely penetrating through any wide inches of wood you cut.

Apart from this, the chain is too very sharp. Manufacturers have used bucket spikes in the typical chain with the chainsaw so that you can easily slice up wood pieces without any hindrances in the procedure.

An automatic oiler will make sure to at all times keep the chain lubricated for you so that you do not have to settle on compromising the chain’s sharpness. 

Now there is no more suffering to be endured with the starting of the chainsaw because this chainsaw will start right after only a few pulls at the starting cord igniting the engine. 

Even though the 435 chainsaw is not an ideal use for professionals but if you are upgrading your game of using a chainsaw then nothing will fit you more appropriately than the product we just described for you!

Buying Guide 

We have given you multiple options for the best professional chainsaw, but our work does not end here. We want all our readers to be confident beyond an absolute doubt when they finalize the chainsaw that they purchase. 

Therefore, we bring you a buying guide for buying the best Husqvarna professional chainsaw. 

Length of the blade 

The only way to determine the ideal blade length for your chainsaw is first to evaluate the reasons why you want a chainsaw in the first place. Are you going to be performing heavy-duty tasks like cutting firewood, or do you wish to undertake the job of maintaining your garden?

For serious duty tasks, a blade length you should look for is and must be ranging within the interval of 16-20 inches. However, if it is a light-duty job, any length under the interval, as mentioned before, will do for you. 

Size of engine 

Engine size is another crucial factor to be taken notice of. How much power that the engine can deliver to your chainsaw? Supposedly and if your chainsaw lacks this ability to deliver robust power, the entire purpose of purchasing a chainsaw will lapse. 

What good will a chainsaw brings to you if it cannot automatically and seamlessly cut through logs for you? So give good and hard thought to the engine power of the chainsaw. 

Weight & Utility 

When weight is a negotiable factor with buying the best Husqvarna chainsaws, utility is not. Always go for consider a chainsaw that has high utility for you.

Though mind you, the definition of utility is subjective and varies from user to user, so choose the chainsaw that you think is the most appropriate one for you. 

Talking about the weight, if you are buying a professional chainsaw precisely manufactured for performing heavy-duty tasks, then it will be heavy.

On the other hand, chainsaws for light-duty jobs will be less heavy. Keeping this distinction in mind, reconsider your option for a chainsaw.


We have summed up all the options for the Best Husqvarna professional chainsaw’s for you, so choose wisely!

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I buy 460 Rancher if I am a beginner?

We do not recommend any beginner working with a 460 Rancher because it has technical operations designed to be used only by professionals.

What are the chainsaws offering multitask duties?

Husqvarna’s 435 and 455 chainsaws offer to multitask duties.

Is an 18-inch bar length fine?

Yes, an 18-inch bar length is out of one of the ideal lengths for professional uses.