Before the invention and the introduction of lawnmowers into our daily lives, having a garden around the living space required ample thinking.

This is because the way the grass was cut before lawnmowers was considered a labor-intensive procedure, requiring an individual to hire many laborers to cut grass using tools like a sickle manually.

However, electric or gas-powered lawnmowers have simplified this task to a great extent. It is now extremely convenient to ensure that the grass in the garden is leveled- of the same size. 

In this article, Surferhandy will be delving deeper into examining the exterior design of a lawn mower and will be precisely focusing on which way do lawn mower blades go. 

Which Way Do Lawn Mower Blades Go? 

One thing you must remember while examining a lawnmower’s blades is that they are very sharp.

Even if you have your finger slightly close to the blade there is a very likely chance you will end up with an intense cut, so beware!

Now coming onto the core discussion topic of this article: which way do lawnmower blades go? The movement of a lawnmower blade is continuous. Whenever you glance at the blades of the machine, you will always see them involved in a consistent motion.

However, adopting different viewing angles can bring you more clarity regarding how lawnmower blades go. For instance, when you observe the moving blades from the top, they acquire a clockwise movement. 

When looking at the blades from another view- the bottom one, you will notice that they have a counter-clockwise motion. Therefore, it is safe to say that the blades’ movement or how a lawnmower’s blades go primarily depends on the angle you view them from. 

An alternative view to which way lawnmower blades go is to know that the sharp side of the edge is always near the ground while the dull blades are on the downside of the lawnmower. When these blades engage in a continuous motion, efficient grass-cutting results. 

Why Observe The Direction Of The Blades?

We have already told you that the blades move in both directions, and the exact direction can be determined through the viewing angle.

Nevertheless, why is it so crucial for a lawnmower owner to know about the movement and the direction of the blades?

Regulates The Cutting Task 

We are stressing the importance of the blades and their direction is that they regulate the task for which the lawnmowers are bought in the first place.

Supposedly, if the blades of the lawnmower are set in the wrong direction, whereby they do not employ the movement necessary for cutting the grass, then no grass will be cut

As a result, there will be no cutting as the sharpened blades are facing the wrong direction. Additionally, while you undertake a failed attempt at cutting grass, the shredded pieces will keep getting stuck on the insides of the dulled blades. 

Although, dull blades do not necessarily mean they cannot cut the grass. They will if the gardener applies enough speed and force; however, you should not expect the result to be like the one you usually anticipate- finely trimmed grass. 

AirFlow Functioning

Another reason you should always be mindful of the direction and the position of the lawnmower blades is that the accurate location of the blades assists in regulating airflow. You might be contemplating what the airflow has to do with cutting grass.

Airflow is another essential component of the functions of your lawnmower. It can be stated that if the airflow is not being moved and is trapped under the blades, then the grass you aspire to cut will only be cut roughly and not neatly. 

This happens because the moving wind from the blades helps pull the grass under the blades upright, giving a uniform trim of an even length while you are moving the lawnmower. 


In this article, we have successfully addressed your concern regarding which way do lawn mower blades go. All we hope is that now you are cognisant of the movement and the direction of the blades of your lawnmower before you put it to use the next time.