Users who don’t want to go to professionals for every single task that happens to their saws may often be asked: how to remove chainsaw clutches without tools. This is because they want to carry out the job independently without seeking expensive professional help, where professionals show off their costly tools and charge customers a lot for even a small service. 

Surferhandy will put complete light on the matter and will show the steps, which, if followed properly and vigilantly, would be no need to go to professionals to remove the clutch from the saw.

Instead, this could be done at home by just using some of the items from your garage, which includes; chisel, flat head screwdriver, pieces of some clean nylon cords and a hammer. All of these things are just required for following the steps to remove the clutch from the saw at home.

How To Remove Chainsaw Clutch Without Tool

How to remove the chainsaw clutch without a tool may seem to be a difficult task, but in actuality, it is not. A few steps should be followed, and you will be done with pulling out the clutch from the saw without seeking any expensive professional help.

Read the article to know more about how to carry out the process just by using some of the items from your garage, which includes; an old chisel, a flat-headed screwdriver, a hammer and pieces of clean nylon to make a cord.

Steps To Remove Chainsaw Clutch Without Any Professional Tool 

Chainsaw is not a complicated machine that can not be handled without experts; similarly, removing the chainsaw clutch without the help of professionals or their expensive tools is possible. Yes, one can remove the chainsaw clutch without using highly-priced tools just by following the steps discussed below; 

Step 1 

Just start carefully and follow all the instructions vigilantly, at first, remove the following things from the saw properly; chain, clutch cover and clutch bar. After removing all these from the saw, now move forwards towards the next step.

Step 2 

Now it is to disconnect the spark plug from the saw as the main electricity transmitter; remove the spark plug club and disconnect the spark plug wire from the saw.

Step 3 

After disconnecting the wire and removing the spark plug, this could be done by opening the screws of the pin and pulling it off.

Though this task can be done without tools, extra care is required; if you get this done with a professional, they may have used a wrench to remove the spark plug from the saw. It is important to keep the spark plug safe as this is one of the most important and precious components of the saw.

Step 4 

Now the time is to move towards removing the clutch; for this purpose, collect pieces of nylon chord that are available in your garage, put them together and make a long piece of 12 inches; make sure only to use clean fragments as they are supposed to go inside the saw so not contain any dust, debris or lubricants.

Now put this cord through the hole of the spark plug, making a way through the cylinder, do this with care as the cord may not go into the exhaust of the saw because this can lead to extra cleaning work. 

All this task done with the cord should be handled carefully because the cord may remain inside the saw, making it tricky to pull out. Professionals could have used a metal lock to carry out this process, which would have charged you a lot if professional help had been sought.

Step 5 

Moving forwards, arrange an old chisel or a Flathead screwdriver, any two can be of great help, and there is no need to invest in extra expensive tools. Now the clutch should be placed in the right place or at least should not be able to move from its correct position while you are carrying out the work with the chisel or screwdriver.

Mostly, it is written on the clutches about the correct direction where they should be moved to remain tight; read that correctly from the grip and move it to the right position.

Step 6 

Afterwards, hold the hammer from your garage or tool kit; now, place the screwdriver where the notch of the clutch is fixed, and with the help of the hammer and screwdriver, start hitting that area.

Do this slowly and steadily, and there will be a time when the notch of the clutch begins to lose, and this is the right time when you must stop hammering.

Step 7 

Once the clutch starts to lose, keep doing the task and pull it out from the chainsaw smoothly. For all of the above steps, if followed properly and patiently, then a clutch can be removed from the saw easily without using any specialist tool.

The same task can be carried out by a professional who may have used one or two professional-looking fancy tools and could have charged you a heavy amount for removing the clutch from the saw.


The above article illustrates how to remove chainsaw clutches without using tools in detail. Follow all the steps discussed above vigilantly with the help of a chisel, flathead screwdriver, hammer and some nylon pieces. This could have saved a lot of cost for you, which you would otherwise have had to pay professional mechanics to remove the clutch out of your saw with his fancy tools.

Frequently Asked Questions

**Which basic tools are required to remove the clutch from the saw?**

Tools from your garage are only required to remove the clutch from the saw, including an old chisel, a flat-headed screwdriver, a hammer or some clean and usable nylon pieces for making a cord.

**Is it preferable to take professional help for removing the clutch from the saw?**

No, it is not preferable to take professional help for such matters which could be handled within your garage as professionals may charge a lot of fees for the service, which could be done at home.

**What are the main steps for removing the clutch from the saw?**

The main steps are, removing the spark plug and then making a 12 inches long cord to insert it through the hole of the spark plug and the cylinder. Then make a tight grip on the notch of the clutch, which is followed by placing a screwdriver on the clutch and hammering it out until the clutch gets loose, and then finally pull it out.