As the leaves begin to fall and the temperatures drop, you know it’s time to break out the leaf blower. But what happens when your leaf blower isn’t working as it used to? Do you pay to have it repaired, or do you just buy a new one?

Deciding whether to pay to repair a leaf blower or just get a new one can be tricky. Sure, it’s tempting to go out and buy the latest model with all the bells and whistles, but repairs may be the more cost-effective way to go. Before you decide, consider if your old leaf blower is still functioning as intended.

If you think it is, then investing money in repairs could mean you can use it for many more years before you have to make any changes.

On the other hand, if your existing machine isn’t operating as well as it used to, then it could be time to purchase an upgrade. Here are a few factors to take into account as you choose a leaf blower.

How To Decide Whether Pay To Repair Leaf Blower Or Get New One

If your leaf blower has seen better days, you may wonder whether it’s worth paying to repair it or if you’re better off just buying a new one. 

Cost of Repair vs. Cost of Replacement

The cost of repair versus replacement should be one of your primary priorities. If the repair cost is only a fraction of the replacement cost, it’s probably worth it just to pay to have your leaf blower repaired.

However, if the repair cost is close to or even greater than the replacement cost, you may be better off just buying a new leaf blower.


Age of Your Leaf Blower

Another thing to keep in mind is the age of your leaf blower. If a newer model is still under warranty, it may make more sense to pay to repair it rather than buy a new one outright.

On the other hand, if your leaf blower is an older model that’s out of warranty, replacing it may be your best bet. 

Availability of Parts

Another thing to consider is whether or not parts are available for your leaf blower. If parts are no longer being manufactured for your model, finding the parts you need for a repair might be difficult or impossible. In this case, buying a new leaf blower would probably be best.


Another thing to think about is whether or not your leaf blower is still covered by warranty.If it is, you might be able to get the repair covered by the warranty, which would save you money.

Even if the repair isn’t covered by the warranty, the fact that your leaf blower is still under warranty might give you some peace of mind and make you more likely to choose repair over replacement.

Personal preference

In the end, whether you choose to repair or replace your leaf blower will come down to personal preference.

If you like to hold onto things and don’t like change, you might opt for repair, even if it’s a little more expensive. On the other hand, if you’re someone who likes having the latest and greatest products, you might choose replacement even if it costs a bit more upfront.

How Much Use Does Your Leaf Blower Get?

If you only use your leaf blower a few times a year, repairing it may make more sense than replacing it since you probably won’t use a new one anyway.

However, if you use your leaf blower on a regular basis, replacing it with a newer model may save you money in the long run since newer models are usually more energy-efficient. 


When deciding whether to repair or replace your leaf blower, there are a few factors you’ll need to take into account, including the cost of repair vs. replacement, the age of your leaf blower, and how often you use it.You may decide what will suit your demands the best by taking into account all of these variables.

Will Nathan
William Nathan specializes in landscaping and lawn care. He has years of experience of the management of the garden and national lawn by the use of mostly machinery and his hand experience. He enjoys delivering experience by words.