We all are well aware of the hazardous impacts of global warming that we are facing, and a primary reason for the origination of such a phenomenon is deforestation. 

As we humans have been uncontrollable, the most dominant species, and have always prioritized our needs over the interests of the environment, the damages already done to the surrounding are irreparable.

Therefore, for this and to preserve the environment, governments of certain areas have imposed regulations in the form of permits.

You must acquire these permits if you want to go ahead with cutting trees and not face any legal repercussions, as they would act as a shield for you, officially allowing you to cut trees. But is a tree-cutting permit California needed?

Tree-Cutting Permit California 

Because cutting down trees in the State of California became unmanageable, the government thought of imposing certain guidelines only under which an individual will have the right to cut down trees. 

These guidelines were secured in the form of a permit, and every time you plan on cutting down trees in California, you have to obtain the permit. In the case where you already have one, it must be renewed, or else you will have to face serious consequences. 

Even if you want to proceed with cutting down trees in California illegally, there is a likely chance that you will be caught; however, you should consider the fact that preserving the environment and not ruining it is your responsibility and let your moral conscious prevail over your interests in the situation. 

To simply state the definition of a tree-cutting permit in California is to say that it is a license typically required if an individual wishes to remove or prune any tree in the public domain or in a certain property that has been privatized. 

Public domain trees are all those which come under a County’s landmarks such as buildings, grounds, forests, and national parks. Ordinarily and within California, a tree-cutting permit is called Tree Removal Permit or a Tree Pruning Permit. Whatever the wording maybe remember that it is an essential license for you to have acquired. 

When Do You Require A Tree-Cutting Permit California? 

Only knowing that obtaining a tree-cutting permit California will not suffice for sure and for you. Therefore, it is mandatory for you to be aware of all the situations which may or may not include the direct cutting of trees in California but still demand you to have a tree-cutting permit California.


Following are the ordinary examples of a situation where you must have a tree-cutting permit California. 

In Selecting Areas For Landscaping 

Supposedly, you are considering landscaping the area surrounding your living place, for instance, the small ground right in front of your house. If you wish to alter the green space by cutting down some trees or prominent bushes, you would need a California tree-cutting permit. 

Or in other instances where the trees you want to cut down are situated inside a parking lot or small green existing patches near the commercial buildings and the residential area of the apartments, you need a permit. 

This permit must be obtained from the relevant authority monitoring and regulating the site if you want to avoid graduated sanctions. Either by filling out an application form or directly communicating with the person in charge, you can get the tree-cutting permit California and then make all the modifications you desire. 

Otherwise, do not proceed! Because such alternations in famous gardens or parks are pronounced, and even when you think that no one will notice a single tree missing, trust us when we say that they will, and you will be reported. 

In Oaks, Native 

Oak trees are common to encounter, but again, with the rate at which we are cutting down trees in California, it will soon that they will too be a rare sight to witness due to the extinction that is destined for them.


Hence, to prevent the extinction from materializing eventually, especially when you are looking to cut a native oak tree, you will be mandated to obtain a sanctioned order from the California government in the form of a tree-cutting permit. 

Native oak trees are usually found in properties mostly under privatized ownership, so we say you must beware! 

Trees Under A Public Domain 

When something falls under a public domain, a point to be kept in mind about this sort of ownership is that you are not the only one with access to whatever is in this domain. Since it’s public, you are one of the many shareholders and cannot or should not be putting your self-interest in conflict with others. 

Nevertheless, it is not your personal and individual right to cut down any tree that falls under the public domain. These sorts of trees are often around railway tracks, in the green belts on the sides of the road, in national parks, forests, parkways, and other similar locations. 

Therefore, do not try and take matters into your hand and let the government help you out from later being punished for your actions- get a tree-cutting permit California! 

A Tree that is a Landmark

We have always known a landmark to be an evident location used while giving directions. Not only are buildings always constituting to be landmarks, but in often instances, they are trees too.


Particular trees, specifically those visible enough and stately, are accounted as “landmark” trees. Thus, they receive more attention to being preserved. From this you can imagine how requiring a permit to cut down this tree is important. 

How To Obtain A Tree-Cutting Permit California?

The process may differ for every county located in California per the requirements that have been regarded as necessary under the local jurisprudence. However, the general procedure that is to follow has a rough guideline. 

It all starts by first taking an application form. You must fill out the application form vigilantly, cautiously, and honestly. Since this permit is necessary, we will advise you not to take any shortcuts because it will take you nowhere. 

Next, you must submit the form and the fee that is stated along with the submission. If you were filling the form online, then its submission too will be online, but in other situations, you can mail the form or submit it in person to the respective office. 

All That The Tree-Cutting Permit California Enatils 

There are some things you need to be aware of before applying for your California tree-cutting permit. That is to know all that the tree-cutting permit in California entails.

Again remember, while this is all that you will be asked, there is a possibility for additional questions and the asked questions to be phrased differently. 

  • You would have to answer a question concerning the location of the tree that you are looking to cut. Here state the exact address of the location and be precise. 
  • Mention your personal information, including your complete name, phone number, house address, and email, but that is optional. 
  • A rough sketch of the area/ region where the location of the trees that you are going to be cutting is. This sketch is not ordinary, but you would have to specify the sketch to show the removal of all the trees you intend to remove. It will include an identification number when more than a single tree is removed or pruned. Though, the sketch can be an aerial picture if you like. 
  • Individual pictures of the trees that have to be cut down. 
  • Diameter of the trunk of the trees. 
  • Reasons why trees must be cut down will have to be stated. 
  • Consent of the owner from whose property you will eradicate trees. 
  • Indicate/ state the names and the relevant information of all those indulging themselves in operation. The applicant himself can do minor removals of branches and bushes, but if there are other people involved, then they may be specified as per the requirements.


In this article, we have put all the relevant information relating to a tree-cutting permit California. Beyond this, there is nothing more that you need to know. Also, if you have not applied for a permit yet, without any further adieu, do it!